Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reason Illuminated by Faith

That's what the blog title means, in case your Latin is as poor as mine. Over the years I've often considered creating a blog. The thought arose recently that it would be a good way to put my theological degree to work. Soon after, a new friend asked me if I had a blog. Well, I considered that a Divine nudge, so here it is.

From time to time I'll post my thoughts, ruminations and comment on things that just plain bug me. I'll also post a few of my articles of a theological or apologetic nature. The plan is to start with a little background information, my autohagiography as I refer to it. Surprisingly some people have shown interest in my faith journey. So be prepared. Here it comes!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere Ron! If you haven't visited my blog yet, please do!

    In JMJ,

    PS- I also host the Catholic Debate Forum

  2. Thanks, Scott! I bookmarked your page. I may have to ask for help from time to time. Its all new to me.

  3. Finally took the time to find the man behind the calm, reasoned and informed comments on CDF. What I found, confirmed my conclusions based on your contributions to CDF. Thank you and I hope and pray that you can keep it up.
