Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obamapocalypse Now

Obamapocalypse Now

Ron Criss
November 7, 2012

Let the Obamapocalypse begin!

What happened yesterday?

Despite higher unemployment than when he came into office and lower job growth than during the Depression, the American people re-elected Barack Obama to be their president for a second term. In doing so, knowingly or unknowingly, they chose socialism, Obama phones, food Stamps, and big government statism over capitalism, personal responsibility and limited government. They irresponsibly mortgaged their children’s futures by putting their seal of approval on the most irresponsible spending and greatest debt in history.

They, including 52% of Catholic voters, chose Mammon and Molech to be their gods. For their faith they chose material things, irresponsibility, sexual promiscuity and the murder by abortion of the children who naturally result from their immorality. They chose repression of religious liberty and persecution of the Catholic Church through the Obama regime’s HHS Mandate.

How were the American people so gullible?

I blame the public education establishment, the teachers’ unions which fought for lower standards and against performance-based pay. That leveled the playing field to the lowest common denominator in the name of a false equality. That never taught us or our children to reason. That made them willing sheep of the establishment. That created a naïve and gullible people ill equipped to appreciate liberty or even to comprehend the reality of their situation.

I blame the media, liberal lapdogs and servants of the President and the Left. No longer objective journalists, they have become little more than the propaganda arm of the liberal establishment, hiding Obama’s failures and faults, and lying to create a false impression of his opponents.

As FOX News columnist Rich Noyes noted the media was on the lookout for supposed gaffes by Romney, often intentionally misrepresenting his words and intentionally taking them out of context to create the worst impression. They falsely contradicted Romney and Ryan, when their facts were correct. Biased liberal debate moderators gave Obama and Biden more time to speak, interrupted Romney and Ryan when they were trying to speak and, most infamously, in the case of CNN’s Candy Crowley, interrupted to support Obama’s lie that he called Benghazi a terrorist attack the next day in the Rose Garden.

In the weeks before the election the media conducted a virtual blackout of reporting on the debacle at Benghazi, a failure of such proportions that it would have toppled a Republican president. And they would have seen to it! Finally they buried the news of Obama’s economic failure and the last unemployment report before the election which showed unemployment to be actually higher than when he came into office, misrepresenting a job growth below that of the Depression as a miraculous and strong recovery. The ignorance, concupiscence, gullibility and passivity of the majority ensured that they would never do the research necessary to discover and understand the truth.

And finally I blame the American bishops and priests who failed (with few and notable exceptions) to criticize Obama and heretical Catholics politicians like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Katherine Sabelius, giving the impression that Catholics could in good conscience hold the view that abortion on demand is just and moral. Worst of all was Bishop Dolan, who blessed the Democrat National Convention and hobnobbed with Obama at the Al Smith Dinner. His message, that abortion and suppression of Catholic religious freedom by the administration were not big enough deals to interfere with being “civil” was sent out to Catholics loud and clear! All this resulted in the fact that Obama captured the cafeteria Catholic vote by 52% to Romney’s 45%.  And, sadly, I must bewail the fact that Pope Benedict himself was conspicuously silent on the election, though he made vague and inexplicit remarks about “religious freedom” that failed to reach the majority of the Catholic Americans.

So does God have a message for us in the midst of all this political disappoint and despair?

I believe it is this:

Psalm 117:8-9
Better trust the Lord than rely on the help of man; better trust the Lord than rely on the word of princes.

Our error was to trust the American people to do the right and constructive thing. We put our trust in the American people and politicians to save our nation. We failed to realize that a majority of Americans, including Catholics, are amoral adult children, more concerned about their own immediate peace and security than their children’s future or the rights of religious believers.  

We need the Catholic Church and her sacraments. It was not a matter of Catholic  doctrines being untrue; indeed they represent the fullness of the truth, but rather it was the failure of the bishops to enforce them. Heretical Catholic politicians should have been openly excommunicated and the message that abortion and violations of religious conscience will not be tolerated sent clearly by force of example.  Catholics should have been clearly warned that to vote for Obama was to materially cooperate with evil. But the bishops were more worried about their image to the world, with appearing to be “civil”, with preserving their tax-exempt status, than ending religious oppression or tax payer funded horror of the abortion holocaust. Our shepherds failed to speak with a clear voice and the sheep have gone astray.

So what do we do now?

I suggest that we orthodox and faithful Catholics become a righteous remnant within the Church, creating orthodox cell groups to evangelize both inside and outside the Church. We can’t count on the bishops or the bureaucracy to take that responsibility. Before we can change society and our government we must first change hearts. All our activity and effort will be fruitless unless we first have revival in the Church and evangelism of our society. We must change hearts before we can change minds.

Our government and political system are broke and the people have no will to fix it. The only practical ideology in this situation is Christian Anarchism (I’m not suggesting we don’t vote, just that we don’t get ourselves wrapped up in the system). It’s time to go back to the catacombs figuratively speaking, to exist on the margins of society until and if it is evangelized. Only a truly Christian nation, based on unchanging morality, can be just.  The American people, even 52% of Catholic voters, have chosen to persecute Catholic organizations. We must accept this reality and prepare to accept further persecution and even martyrdom.

I am not suggesting that we disobey the laws, as long as they are not contrary to God’s law. God’s word is clear on this:

Romans 13:1-7
Every soul must be submissive to its lawful superiors; authority comes from God only, and all authorities that hold sway are of his ordinance. Thus the man who opposes authority is a rebel against the ordinance of God, and rebels secure their own condemnation. A good conscience has no need to go in fear of the magistrate, as a bad conscience does. If thou wouldst be free from the fear of authority, do right, and thou shalt win its approval; the magistrate is God’s minister, working for thy good. Only if thou dost wrong, needst thou be afraid; it is not for nothing that he bears the sword; he is God’s minister still, to inflict punishment on the wrong-doer. Thou must needs, then, be submissive, not only for fear of punishment, but in conscience. It is for this same reason that you pay taxes; magistrates are in God’s service, and must give all their time to it. Pay every man, then, his due; taxes, if it be taxes, customs, if it be customs; respect and honour, if it be respect and honour.


1 Peter 2:11-17
Beloved, I call upon you to be like strangers and exiles, to resist those natural appetites which besiege the soul.
Your life amidst the Gentiles must be beyond reproach; decried as malefactors, you must let them see, from your honourable behaviour, what you are; they will praise God for you, when his time comes to have mercy on them. For love of the Lord, then, bow to every kind of human authority; to the king, who enjoys the chief power, and to the magistrates who hold his commission to punish criminals and encourage honest men. To silence, by honest living, the ignorant chatter of fools; that is what God expects of you. Free men, but the liberty you enjoy is not to be made a pretext for wrong-doing; it is to be used in God’s service. Give all men their due; to the brethren, your love; to God, your reverence; to the king, due honour.

Render unto Caesar only what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.

Romans 11:5

So it is in our time; a remnant has remained true; grace has chosen it.

Let me know what you think. Let’s keep the conversation going.